Bulldog Blog2019-05-16T18:12:53+00:00

Bulldog Blog

Mayor Tyson Bulldog is dedicated to helping your dogs live happy, healthy lives. Here you’ll find everything you need to make healthy choices for your pooch! From nutrition dos and don’ts to detoxes, Tyson has a tip!

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Nutrition – Omega 3s

Why does my pooch need Omega 3s? Omega 3s are a great nutritional supplement for dogs. They help with skin conditions, allergies, kidney function, lymphoma, heart disease, cognitive function, arthritis, [...]

By |April 30th, 2019|Categories: Tysons Tips|0 Comments

Raw vs. Cooked

What’s the Difference? Raw – it’s just that – uncooked fresh foods that have not gone through a dehydration, lightly cooked or cooked process. Cooked/Lightly Cooked – fresh foods have [...]

By |April 30th, 2019|Categories: Tysons Tips|0 Comments


What Is It and Why You Should Feed It to Your Pets? A fermented milk drink with a sour taste made using culture of yeast and bacteria. Kefir contains several [...]

By |April 30th, 2019|Categories: Tysons Tips|0 Comments

Feed Eggshells

Eggshells. Save them! They’re going to come in handy. If you make eggs, save the shells. Once you have a bunch, you want to let them dry out, or you [...]

By |April 30th, 2019|Categories: Tysons Tips|0 Comments