Pet Of The Month

Honey’s Journey…
The vaccine protocol for dogs is vital to living a longer life. Shared info on products to ease the detox process that took close to year to recover from.
Nu-stock, Fresh Aloe Vera, calendula ointment, dogzymes probiotics and supplements, homeopathy remedies, bone broths, Charcoal baths, zymox shampoo and conditioner, Qeurcentin with bromelain. Yeast is a monster and with lots of research and consulting w Michelle we grew in knowledge on overcoming leaky gut and killing yeast that was developed by lots of years of eating kibble and having an improper diet. Leaky gut is no joke and overcoming it is a major factor in your dog’s health. Lots of patience and time with a proper diet with no sugar and lots of rotating proteins and green veggies. Probiotics and supplements, and exercise. You can get your Dog on the right track to recovery.
Researching, educating yourself and linking with amazing people like Michelle and Mayor Tyson. You will gain knowledge and a lifetime friend, to walk this journey with your dog to complete healing.
Forever Grateful! Honey is living proof that you can overcome all these issues. Everything I have brought to your attention she has overcome!
Laura & Honey
Honey 5 1/2 years old intact female; Had multiple pregnancies; on kibble for 3 1/2 years
Honey was over-vaccinated with Rabies, Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo, Leptospirosis and Parainfluenza vaccines.
She was over-medicated with Benadryl, Morphine, Antibiotics, Gabapentin and topical steroid creams.
Honey had a leaky gut; yeasty skin issues; hot spots on her face, neck, chin, belly, folds, back, tail pocket and ears; head tremors; limping in back leg for 4 weeks; dental plaque and allergies to protein and the outdoors.
She overcame over-vaccination with Homeopathic remedies using Nux Vomica; Thuja (head tremors, limping); Lyssin; raw bones (dental plaque); Charcoal (dental plaque, yeasty skin); and Coconut Oil (dental plaque).
Incorporating a healthy diet cured Honey from leaky gut and allergies. Rotating proteins: Deer, Buffalo, Beef, Turkey, Pork Rabbit, Duck, Chicken, Salmon, Mule Deer and Tilapia; plus green veggies: Bok Choy, Broccoli, Celery, Cucumbers, Kale, Napa Cabbage and Spinach.
Used Dogzymes supplements.
Suffocated the yeast by eliminating all sugars carbs and fruit for 6 months.
Daily Exercise: Short walks and long walks
Outdoor Allergies: Quercentin with Bromelain